Funded projects 2020

Funded projects 2020 Call

The board of the PDI- SSH Foundation honours 12 applications in the Call Digital Infrastructure SSH.

After a careful review process, following with the criteria as described in the Call for Proposals of the Platform Digital Infrastructure SSH, 12 of 33 applications were accepted. The review process consisted of several steps. The disciplinary review committees (consisting of independent reviewers) reviewed the submitted proposals and issued independent advice to the SSH Council. The SSH Council, after consulting representatives of the three largest Dutch infrastructures (CLARIAH, Health-RI and ODISSEI), prioritised these opinions and took the final decision. The Board of the PDI-SSH Foundation implements that decision.

Connecting Data in Child Development (CD2)

Applicant: prof. dr. Chantal Kemner (Utrecht University)

TwiXL: An infrastructure for cross-media research on public debates

Applicant: prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf (University of Amsterdam)

PURE3D. An Infrastructure for the Publication and Preservation of 3D Scholarship

Applicant: dr. Costas Papadopoulos (Maastricht University)

A digital catalogue of digital literature

Applicant: dr. David Peeters (Tilburg University)

Capture and Analysis Tools for Social Media Research (CAT4SMR)

Applicant: dr. Bernhard Rieder (University of Amsterdam)

Dutch participant recruitment platform for SSH research

Applicant: dr. Martin Tanis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)