Platform Digitale Infrastructuur
Social Science and Humanities

PDI-SSH is an initiative of the SSH-council and digital infrastructures in the domain (CLARIAH en ODISSEI). 
The platform has three tasks:


PDI-SSH develops a short and long-term strategy for digital infrastructure in the Netherlands,
taking into account the ideas and wants of current and new digital infrastructure services within the SSH domain.


The Platform allocates resources to digital infrastructure services within the SSH domain. This includes strengthening and enhancing existing initiatives as well as developing new initiatives. 


PDI-SSH supports collaboration and alignment of digital infrastructure services, of both existing and new initiatives. This includes alignment with DANS, Netherlands eScience Center, and SURF. 

Social Sciences and Humanities

Social Science and Humanities (SSH) is a broad and diverse domain. In the Netherlands, there are at least 26 main scientific disciplines within the domain. These disciplines can be categorised in four sectors of similar size: Law, Economics, Social- and Behavioural science, and Humanities. The first two sectors are relatively homogeneous, with a limited amount of (sub)disciplines. The Social- and Behaviour Sciences have more varied (sub)disciplines, such as behaviour and education science, development studies, pedagogy, psychology, gender studies, public administration, political science, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication science, demography, geography/planning and environmental sciences. Humanities as well is a diverse sector with many disciplines, such as historical sciences, linguistics, literature science, cultural science, religious studies, media studies, and philosophy. 

Latest News

Funded projects 2021 Call

The board of the PDI- SSH Foundation honours 10 applications in the Call Digital Infrastructure[…]

2021 Call Digital Infrastructure

PDI-SSH financiert in competitie bestaande en nieuwe digitale infrastructuren.

2021 Call Digital Infrastructure

PDI-SSH financiert in competitie bestaande en nieuwe digitale infrastructuren.


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